por | Sep 14, 2016 | fashion, moda, moda para hombres, moda para mujeres, style, tendencia
Foto de @heylegoHabía recibido la invitación de amigos muy queridos, de quienes ya he escrito un par de veces anteriormente, para asistir al desfile de moda que organizaban junto con otros diseñadores para presentar sus nuevas colecciones, de manera que el día...
por | Ago 24, 2016 | color, fashion, style
Photo: Juan Pablo CarrilloIt is very comfortable to use neutral colors that match everything, but it is equally boring. If you belong to this guild, don’t be offended, I invite you to dare, because september almost has arrived and it’s the best time to do it....
por | Abr 27, 2016 | color, fashion, style
Photo: Juan Pablo CarrilloIt is a vile lie to claim that white and pearly clothes are not suitable for clear-skinned people, however, you need to know the right, the good, the correct shade in relation to your skin tone:1.Pick a blouse (print free; one snow white, one...